Route Map


The mission of this trip is to explore, through a multitude of lenses, what it means to be on the road and develop the tools with which I can effectively share this experience with others.

Throughout this journey, I will photo document, journal, report on, and share with others, what it is that I am doing in this great big world of ours.

In a grand attempt to culminate my college experience, I will be taking 18 credits, live on my bicycle for 4 months covering thousands of miles, and run my second 100 miler, all while practicing focus and awareness in order to more fully develop my connection to the world that I live in. I will be living up to Sterling College's mission statement: The Sterling College community combines structured academic study with experiential challenges and plain hard work to build responsible problem solvers who become stewards of the environment as they pursue productive lives.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I'm Tired

May 21st (Day 12): From Wolcott, Indiana.

Well, I'm 25 miles from time travelling (A.K.A. crossing the Indiana-Illinois border into the Central Time Zone. It's on an off drizzling and wind from the NorthWest at about 10 miles per hour and about 50 degrees, maybe cooler.

Recap of the last few days.
Ohio is behind me. After I left Cleveland and the home of the wonderful Sean McCafferty mentioned in my last post, I biked south from Cleveland to get onto a back country highway to cross the state (rt 224). I was planning on picking my tent up in the small town of Sullivan ohio, where it was mailed to the post office. I got into town, 70 miles into the day, at 3:30. Post office closed at 1:30. I was not going to mess around without a tent, so I spent the night. 70 miles in the day is my shortest biking day (not including the day I took completely off in Aurora).

The following day I got my tent, and had a late start, leaving town around 9:15 (After a good hardy breakfast of multigrain hot cereal with flax, chia, peanut butter, honey, and granola) and I rode slowly into the head wind. I meandered my way through 100 miles or so of farm land, flat as flat gets, but windy as windy gets to the town of Ottawa.

That night I fabricated plans to try and get to a home to stay at for thursday night not far from Peoria Illinois. Foolishly thinking that I could bike that far (I misread the map somehow and figured it would take two 110-120 days (big days the biggest so far).

The next day I woke early, with 120 miles planned for the day. I cruised through town, the wind was mild and the temps were in the high 30's (COLD on a bike especially when you forgot your glove and need to put socks on your hands).

I hit Indiana at 10:45, 45 miles gone already. by 11:30, 52 miles down. by 2:30, 80 miles. By 3, I biked 5 miles the wrong direction, by 3:30, biked 5 miles back (90 miles).
90 miles into my day I hit US rt 24 TRUCKER ROUTE. I have seen thousands of semis pass me since then. I biked about 50 miles on 24 yesterday to get past the city of Logansport.

As of now I have about 100 miles between me and the home I can stay at in El Paso, IL.
I'll probably bike an other 60 today and do the rest tomorrow. because I'm tired.

I'll leave you with that.

I'm tired.

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